
Singapore Female Escort Jobs – How Much Can You Really Earn?

If you are deciding whether you should take on a social escort job in Singapore, you must also be wondering about the earning capabilities of the job. Although often touted as one of the highest paying jobs in Singapore alongside being a sugar baby for girls, is it really as high as some advertisement claims? Are those real ads by real companies?

How much can you really make as a female social escort in Singapore?

Let us take a deeper look into this phenomenon.

social escorts

First of all, a quick search on Google for a social escort job in Singapore will yield multiple websites and results… in fact to be exact, 10,300,000!

A deeper dive into one of the results show some outrageous ads claiming that you can make $10,000 to $30,000 as social escorts – which is more than nearly everyone else in Singapore.

Are such claims even possible to be real?

Since we have no idea who is behind the company and ad, whether it is a phantom posting or an agency over claiming to attract attention, let us go about calculating this logically speaking.

Most social escorts in Singapore make between $200 to $400 per hour. Let us take the average of $300. To make $10,000 a month, the escort will need to see 34 clients a month for every single month without fail. That works out to be slightly over 1 client per day. While this may sound possible, let us analyze using common sense further.

Most escort agencies list around 10 active girls or so on their website. Chances are, around 2 to 3 are ‘full timers’ while others are not. If you don’t believe me, simply contact a social escort agency and you will find that at any given moment only a few escorts are available for booking.

Singaporean escort

Since there are lots of ads claiming $10,000 to $30,000 monthly earnings possible for their social escorts, this means each agency is making at least $30,000 to $90,000 a month. And there are SO MANY escort agencies in Singapore. Is the market really big? No one knows. But one thing is for sure – over exaggerated claims are aplenty.

One only need look overseas to see lots of escort agencies claiming sky high income claims but all those fall apart when scrutinized. While making thousands of dollars with just a few hours of work per week is very achievable and believable, some of the claims are just downright outrageous and even those hoping its true will also reserve some genuine doubts about the claims.

In a buying situation, one will say caveat emptor. In this hiring situation for social escort jobs in Singapore, one will say ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!’

So with that said, no one knows if the five figure claims are real, or even humanly possible. However, it is quite realistic to expect to make a few thousand dollars monthly if you are hardworking as a social escort. While that may not necessarily sound like much, remember – most of you considering probably still are a student or have a full time job. This additional income of a few thousand dollars monthly with just a few hours worked total can buy you any kind of luxury items or clear your personal debt easily!

Here are some other ways that your life may change if you work as a female escort in Singapore.

But with that said, I will end off this article with one last disclaimer for my friends who are considering to work as a social escort in Singapore.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is false. Make sure you verify that the agency is registered, legal and has more web presence than just a beautiful website and a number on it. Make sure only to join large established agencies in Singapore like SGVIP Escorts which has been featured on Yahoo before or some other similar large agencies.

The Singapore escort industry is messy as enough by itself. You do not want to drag yourself into another scandal or police raid by joining an unregistered business.


Honest Reviews Of Singapore’s Social Escorts – My Opinions

Here are my thoughts on Singapore’s social escorts and agencies and reviews of them!

If you are looking for a female escort in SG, read this post first. There are almost no male escorts in Singapore due to very low demand and supply, so I will not be talking about that. However, for female escort in Singapore reviews, read on.

First of all, are you looking for a Singaporean escort?

If so, then you want to avoid independent or rather, directory listing sites in Singapore. The reason for that is simple. True Singaporean escorts usually work with an agency, and seldom do it themselves. The reason for this is because Singaporeans are a conservative bunch of people, and more for the girls. Escort agencies in Singapore are able to provide a few extra layers of privacy protection for the girls, and get clients on auto pilots for them. So if you want born local SG girls, going somewhere like Singapore escorts SG VIP, a big Singapore agency which specializes in SG girls, will be a great idea.

Or are you looking for a European?

There are European escorts working in Singapore, albeit many of them, illegally. This has nothing to do with escort work but more to do with their work legality in Singapore as they do not have the right permits to work in Singapore legally most of the time. So if you decide to look for European models in SG, it is possible, but risky. Nonetheless, if you want to know where they hang out, they are usually found on independent escort listing sites.

Independent escort listing sites are different from classified ad sites and agency sites. Independent escort listing sites in Singapore are basically sites such as Open Adult Directory, Escorts Of Singapore, and World Escort Index.

And… here is a random disclaimer for you.

Do not search for escorts on classified ad sites to prevent being cheated

Whatever it is that you do, unless you are into meeting a girl who looks absolutely nothing like her photos and love getting scammed, avoid classified ad sites by any means necessary. Classified ad sites include sites such as Locanto and Skokka. While there used to be more such as Backpage in Singapore, they are already shut down. Nonetheless, while there are lots of advertisements there, most are responsive but their pictures are nothing like the real person.

Last but not least, do not violate local laws in Singapore

As a foreigner, you are free to do whatever you want in Singapore, as long as you keep to local SG laws. Escorts are perfectly legal to engage in Singapore, however, public solicitation of prostitution and meeting escorts below age of 18 is illegal in Singapore and is punishable by law.

So make sure to not solicit prostitution – over text or the Internet is still considered a public medium and solicitation is illegal. Additionally, do not meet girls, be it social escorts or through Tinder or some sugar dating website such as Seeking below the age of 18.

Keep within the laws of Singapore, and look for the respective girls via the above recommended ways and you will be having a great experience in Singapore with your hired social escort!


How Does Your Life Change If You Get An Escort Job In Singapore?

Taking on a new job usually changes your life. Sometimes it changes your mind, sometimes it changes your schedule e.t.c. It is no different for a social escort job as well.

SG girl

Here are some of the changes that you may experience if you get an escort job:

  1. You may have to give up a lot of your free time.
    In the past, you may use your free time to simply hang out with your friends, go on shopping sprees or perhaps laze in your PJs at home on your bed all day long. However, if you want to be a successful escort in Singapore, then you need to sacrifice your bed time, free time, personal time or perhaps even busy time! Forget your part time jobs. There is no part time job which can be as well paying as being a female escort can be. Escort service is a service business and you are paid based on your ability and how often you work. But to truly be shortlisted and become a successful escort who will be heavily promoted by a social escort agency, then you need to free up your account. Forget about balance. Drop everything when an enquiry comes in, and you just might get your coveted car, Chanel bag, Prada purses even in your early 20s.
  2. You may judge men differently
    While some girls in Singapore are already quite materialistic, you will likely become more materialistic. The reason is because you suddenly come into contact and make huge eye-popping amounts of money within short periods of time with very little effort.
    Of course, some girls become less materialistic after offering escort services, when it comes to dating, simply because they just want a man who will be loyal to them. As they will already have had their share of luxury items e.t.c. It really depends on the individual – you!
  3. You may need to lead a second life
    Most escorts keep their lives as a social escort secret from their family members and friends. Some do not. However, if you are intending to keep it secret, you may need to lead a second life to keep your escort services private. Also make sure to contact and only work with a social escort agency which is trustworthy enough to protect your privacy!

So what do you think? Do you still think you got what it takes to become a truly successful escort in Singapore? Let me know!


Why Do Local SG Girls Become Escorts In Singapore?

After having lived in Singapore for my past 30 years, since birth, I have noticed that an increasing amount of women in 2020 are exploring more ways to earn income as a social escort, or in some cases sugar babies. After all, there seems to be lots of tangible benefits being an escort. Of course, there are legalities in such jobs, but that is not the purpose of this article. This trend has been picking up ever since the Internet has become widespread in Singapore, which was in the mid 2000s.

I also have some friends who are social escorts, and they have also shared their stories why they wanted to become social escorts with me. Some of them have also shared how their lives have changed. Without further ado, here are some of the most common reasons why many Singaporean women are becoming social escorts. For privacy reasons, I will not mention any names of my friends or acquaintances who were or are escorts in Singapore as Singapore is a small place.

First of all, they want to buy luxurious goods. However, many of these girls come from less than wealthy family backgrounds. This means that for them to have sufficient amount of money to buy any luxurious items, they will need to work for it themselves. What quicker way to achieve that other than to be an escort on the sideline and working a day job? Some escorts go to the extreme, and pick up an insurance or property agent job, and work as an escort too. This way, they are able to be in complete command of their own working schedules, and buy anything they want as long as they work hard at their day job as well as their social escort work.

Second of all, some of them local SG girls are trying to clear their own university loans. I am a Masters graduate myself, and many of my friends are at least university graduates and hold a Bachelor’s degree. I know first hand how expensive university fees can be in Singapore. Thankfully I am from a relatively well to do family, but unfortunately, not every girl in SG is. Additionally, local university tuition fees increase by $400 every single year for each new batch of students. If the girls come from poor family background, they have to clear the debts themselves. Many of these girls either work as escorts part time while taking on a day job to save up for their university fees, or they moonlight as escorts while going through the undergraduate courses. Working a part time job at McDonald’s will make a negligible dent in the repayment of the debt. However, working even part time as a social escort in Singapore will easily help them clear their loans, so many of them work as one!

Third of all, some Singaporean girls want to help their families clear some debt or pay bills. Singapore is known to be one of the more expensive cities around the world to live in. With expensive living costs, and sometimes, medical costs for elderly parents, it is very expensive to sustain a life comfortably in Singapore if the parents are not wealthy. Some of these girls pick up several part time jobs, one of which includes working as a social escort. Many girls work as one not even for themselves, but for helping their family out with their finances.

While the lure of the money is strong, there is another big attraction when it comes to escort jobs. One of the other biggest lures of being a social escort is its relatively flexible work schedule. There is no fixed timing daily. Therefore, these girls can be students, working adults or simply not doing anything and can be a social escort as long as they are willing to pull time out of their day to work. This means that they do not need to pick between what they are doing currently and any assignments. They can pick up this job without quitting whatever they are doing at the moment. Hence, it is attractive to these SG girls. There is a relatively small mental obstacle only versus a giant mental leap if it were a complete career hop!

Last but not least, for the fun of it. Some Singaporean girls do not wish to ever get seriously attached or married. As a result, why not work as a social escort for as long as they can? They can milk the industry for its cash for as long as their looks can command the rates. Not only do they get to make a lot of money, if they are very hardworking and look great, they can also meet new people! Additionally, most of the clients are rich and successful.

So tell me in the comments below, would you ever be a social escort in Singapore? Let me know your thoughts on this escort industry in Singapore!